How are you “being” right now?
Practice Off The Mat
Vol 1. Issue 11
Take a deep breathe in… let it out when you’re ready. Maybe do that a few more times. You may even close your eyes. Just breathe. However the breath is showing up for you today, allow it the space to be what it is. And whenever you are ready, come on back.
The power of the breath to help bring us back to the present moment is one of the most often used points of reference in any of our practices - yoga, movement, mindfulness, meditation. I've probably said it at least elevnty-hundred-ish thousand times. But for some of you, its possible that the breath may not be a tool you want to use.
In that case, know that you can use any of your sensory experiences to connect with the moment. What do you feel? What do you see? What do you hear? What do you smell? What do you taste?
All of these are equally as effective options. The attempt is to connect your awareness to the present moment. The path that you take to get there, is for you to choose what feels right in this moment.
No labels. No judgement. No expectations. No stories.
Just being with your awareness.
From where I am sitting, just know I am sending you all sorts of love, well wishes, and offerings of grace, peace, and ease for you and the people around you.
Now – time to some important updates and changes…
I have finally come around to switching over to a new email system. So this is a bit of a test run. I hope it works out and that this finds you wherever you are!!Change is a funny thing – there’s anticipated benefits (yay!) and unexpected pain-in-the-ass discoveries (yay?). I’ve had so much change in many areas of my own life that this is one I’ve been putting for, oh about 8 months (ha!). But its time.
Sometimes it just takes me a while.
For example, after two years of working at home I finally made the decision to get a sit/stand desk for the home office. Two-plus years of sitting at a small, older desk (the one Noreen had in middle school! Eep!) had done a real number on my hips, pelvis, legs, back, shoulders… so it was well past time.
The resulting benefit… awesome! I am finding it so much better to move my posture throughout the day. Holding my body in different shapes and positions has been so great!
The unexpected discovery? LemmyCat LOVES when I stand because I become his own personal cat tree (smdh).
So, I hope that you’ll continue to stick with me as I continue to share reflections on the practices of yoga, mindfulness, meditation, and movement. I will continue to offer free guided meditations that you can take with you wherever you go.
Formats and frequencies will be experimented with as I learn a new things along the way! As always I love to hear your feedback and comments – so keep them coming!